

Welcome to TranslatePic, a free online image translator! By using our service, you (the "User") agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully before proceeding.

Service Description:

Our service allows Users to translate images into different languages. We use machine learning algorithms and third-party image editors to provide accurate translations.

No Registration Required:

You do not need to register an account to use our service.

No Saved Data:

We do not store or save any User data or information. All transactions are anonymous and temporary.

Accuracy Disclaimer:

While we strive to provide accurate translations, we cannot guarantee their accuracy. The translated text may differ from the original meaning, and we are not responsible for any errors or misunderstandings.

Limitations of Liability:

Our service is provided on an "as is" basis, without warranties of any kind. We disclaim all liability for damages arising from the use of our service. In no event shall we be liable for incidental, special, indirect, or consequential damages resulting from the use of our service.

User Responsibility:

Users are solely responsible for the content they upload and the translations they generate. We reserve the right to remove any content that violates these terms or is deemed inappropriate.

Third Party Links:

Our service may include links to third-party websites or resources. We have no control over such sites and resources, and we are not responsible for their availability, reliability, or content.

Modifications to the Service:

We reserve the right to modify or discontinue our service at any time, without notice.

Entire Agreement:

These terms constitute the entire agreement between you and us regarding the use of our service. No prior or contemporaneous agreements, whether written or oral, shall be deemed valid.

By using our service, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our service.

Irudiaren itzulpena API

Ez utzi hizkuntza oztopoek eragotzi zure potentzial osoa lortzeko. Probatu TranslatePic irudien itzulpen APIa gaur eta ezagutu komunikazio eleaniztunaren indarra!

Erabiltzaileen iritziak

Hasi adimen artifizialak ekarritako irudien itzulpen eraginkor eta erosoa ezagutu dezakeen TranslatePic-ekin lanean.

" TranslatePic-en irudi-itzultzailea joko-aldaketa bat da niretzat. AliExpress denda! Itzulpen zehatzak eta soinu naturalak, eta erabiltzeko erraza."

- Sarah, AliExpress Store Owner

" Marketing espezialista naizen aldetik, TranslatePic-en irudi-itzultzailea erabiltzea gustatzen zait nire bezeroen produktuen deskribapen eta etiketetarako. Gomendagarria!"

- John, Marketing Specialist

" Itzultzaile independente gisa, TranslatePic-en irudi-itzultzailean oinarritzen naiz itzulpen azkar eta zehatzak egiteko. Beti kalitate handiko emaitzak ematen!"

- Rachel, Freelance Translator

" Inportazio/esportazio negozio txiki baten jabea naiz, eta TranslatePic-en irudi-itzultzailea bizitza salbatzailea izan da nire produktuen etiketak eta argibideak itzultzeko. Erabiltzeko erraza eta zehatza!"

- James, Import/Export Business Owner

" Nomada digitala naizen aldetik, TranslatePic-en irudi-itzultzailea erabiltzen dut nire blogeko argitalpenak eta sare sozialetako edukia hainbat hizkuntzatara itzultzeko. Bikaina publiko zabalago batengana iristeko!"

- Laura, Digital Nomad

" TranslatePic-en irudi-itzultzailea mesedegarria izan da nire turismo-negozioarentzat. Itzulpen zehatzak eta soinu naturalak eta erabiltzeko erraza. "

- Maria, Tourism Entrepreneur