Kabijakan Privasi

At TranslatePic, we respect the privacy of our users. Our goal is to provide a free online image translator that is easy to use and provides accurate translations while protecting the privacy of our users.

Here's what we collect and how we use it:

Cookies: We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Cookies allow us to remember your preferences and settings when you return to our website. We use first-party cookies, which are stored only on your device and are not shared with any third parties.

Browser Local Storage: We use browser local storage to store your translation history and other preferences. This helps us provide you with a more personalized experience and avoid asking you for the same information multiple times.

IP Addresses: When you access our website, we may record your IP address. This information is used to detect and prevent fraudulent activity, such as spamming or hacking attempts.

Device Information: We may collect information about the device you use to access our website, such as the operating system and web browser type. This information is used to optimize our website for different devices and browsers.

Log Data: We may collect log data, which includes information about the pages you visit, the amount of time you spend on our website, and the number of clicks you make. This information is used to analyze traffic patterns and improve our website's performance.

Third-Party Advertisements: We may display third-party advertisements on our website. These advertisements may use tracking technologies, such as cookies and web beacons, to collect information about your browsing habits and usage of our website. This information is used to provide you with targeted advertisements and help our advertisers understand the effectiveness of their ad campaigns.

Traffic Statistics Tools: We may use third-party traffic statistics tools to track and analyze usage patterns on our website. These tools may use cookies and other technologies to collect information about your browsing habits and usage of our website. This information is used to improve our website's performance and provide insights into user behavior.

What we don't collect:

We implement various security measures to protect your data, including encryption, secure servers, and secure connections. We also comply with applicable data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union.

Changes to our Privacy Policy:

We may update our privacy policy from time to time. If we make significant changes, we will notify you by posting a notification on our website or sending an email to your last known email address.

Contact us:

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us.

Thank you for using TranslatePic!

Tarjamahan Gambar API

Tong ngantep halangan basa ngahalangan anjeun pikeun ngahontal poténsi pinuh anjeun. Coba TranslatePic image translation API kiwari sarta rasakeun kakuatan komunikasi multibasa!

Ulasan pamaké

Mimitian gawé bareng TranslatePic anu bisa ngalaman tarjamahan gambar anu éfisién jeung merenah nu dibawa ku intelijen jieunan.

" Penerjemah gambar TranslatePic mangrupa kaulinan-changer pikeun abdi toko AliExpress! Tarjamahan anu akurat sareng alami, tambah gampang dianggo."

- Sarah, AliExpress Store Owner

" Salaku spesialis pamasaran, kuring resep ngagunakeun penerjemah gambar TranslatePic pikeun déskripsi sareng labél produk klien kuring. Kacida nyarankeun!"

- John, Marketing Specialist

" Salaku penerjemah freelance, kuring ngandelkeun penerjemah gambar TranslatePic pikeun tarjamahan anu gancang sareng akurat. Salawasna nganteurkeun hasil kualitas luhur!"

- Rachel, Freelance Translator

" Kuring boga bisnis impor/ékspor leutik, sarta penerjemah gambar TranslatePic geus jadi lifesaver pikeun narjamahkeun labél produk kuring jeung parentah. Gampang dianggo sareng akurat!"

- James, Import/Export Business Owner

" Salaku nomad digital, kuring nganggo penerjemah gambar TranslatePic pikeun narjamahkeun tulisan blog sareng eusi média sosial kuring kana sababaraha basa. Saé pikeun ngahontal panongton anu langkung lega!"

- Laura, Digital Nomad

" Penerjemah gambar TranslatePic parantos janten anugerah pikeun bisnis pariwisata kuring. Tarjamahan anu akurat sareng alami, tambah gampang dianggo. "

- Maria, Tourism Entrepreneur